Biovera Org Hair Conditioner, 200ml

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For centuries, natural oils have been used to condition human hair.* These natural products are still used today, including essential oils such as tea tree oil, carrier oils, and jojoba oil.* You can find them in Biovera's selection of shampoos while they are using magnificent shikakai, nettle, soap nut and ginseng as key ingredients in their organic hair conditioner.*

Hair consists of approximately 97% of a protein called keratin. The surface of keratin contains negatively-charged amino acids. Hair conditioners therefore usually contain cationic (antistatic) surfactants, which don't wash out completely, because their hydrophilic ends strongly bind to keratin.* The hydrophobic ends of the surfactant molecules then act as the new hair surface.* Biovera use reetha (soap nut) for its superior antistatic properties and nettle to soften hair.


Aqua, shikakai, reetha (soapnut), nettle, Korean ginseng, calendula extract, chlorophyll, rose petal extract.


Use 5-10 ml per application. Shake bottle well before using it, as the key ingredients are potenised.