Cuisine Soleil Organic Buckwheat Flour, 1kg

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DESCRIPTION Rustic, grey and lightly speckled with black, it will allow you to bake, amongst other things, delicious buckwheat pancakes! What is buckwheat? Often called “black wheat”, buckwheat is in no way related to wheat. On a botanical point of view, buckwheat is a polygonaceous, like rhubarb or sorrel. Buckwheat adapts easily to most cold climates and has several advantages like its predominance over most weeds, its possible implementation on poor-quality soil and its fast growth (approximately 100 days). Buckwheat is one of the vegetal foods packed with the highest nutritional values. Good source of vegetable fiber, it also contains the eight amino-acids essential to the human body and high mineral values. It is also an excellent source of antioxidants due to its flavonoids content.