To relieve one or more of the following symptoms in individuals under environmental stress:
Helps to eliminate heavy metals and environmental pollutants
Slowed mental process
Decreased concentration and memory
Dry skin
Cough, irritation of the throat and mucous membranes
Tiredness / exhaustion
Eye irritation / blurred vision
Gastrointestinal problems, colic
Musculoskeletal pain
Feeling of numbness
Decreased concentration and memory
Composition: Alumina 10x, Baryta carb 10x, Benzenum 8x, 10x, 18x, Cadmium metallicum 8x, 14x, 18x, Carboneum oxygenisatum 8x, 14x, 18x, Carboneum sulphuratum 8x, 14x, 18x, Cuprum metallicum 10x, Kreosotum 8x, 14x, 18x, Mercurius solubiilis 10x, Nux vomica 10x, Plumbum 8x, 14x, 18x, Solidago 8x, 14x, 18x, Sulfur iodatum 8x, 14x, 18x, Thuya occidentalis 10x, 20% vol Alcohol, Water USP.
Dosage: 20 drops under tongue 3 times a day for 33 days. Repeat every 6 months if symptoms stay the same. Take as is or dilute in 1 teaspoon of water. Keep under tongue for 1 minute.