Martin & Pleasance Comb G (6X) Lumbago, 125tab

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At some time in their life most people experience backache. Lumbago is backache in the lumbar region of the spine. Backache seems to dominate life when present and so sufferers need to try Combination G 

Medicinal ingredients: calc fluor 6x, calc phos 6x, kali phos 6x & nat mur 6x, Non-medicinal ingredients: lactose, magnesium stearate, calcium hydrogen phosphate. 

Dose: adults: 1 tablet children (1-11 years): ½ tablet Infants (0-11 months): ¼ tablet directions: chew tablets or for infants and children (0-2 years) crush and dissolve in water. Acute dose: 1 dose every 30 minutes until symptoms subside, up to 6 times per day. Maintenance dose: 1 dose 4 times per day. Take 30 minutes away from food.