The natural way to get your cat up and moving!
70% of cats respond to catnip. Responses (which last about 10 minutes) include rolling, body rubbing, licking, chewing, head shaking, sniffing, chin and cheek rubbing, stretching, and leaping.
Catnip is part of the mint family and is often referred to as catmint
Nepetalactone is the chemical compound in catnip responsible for the reaction from cats
Versatile Feeding Options:
Safe to feed with any diet choice: dry kibble, home cooking, or raw feeding.
Sprinkle a little inside a laundry basket or good size box. Your cat can flip, flop and roll around without spreading the catnip all over the floor. Use a dab of catnip to attract your cat to any toy scratching post or kitty tower
***Kittens under 8 weeks will not respond to catnip"
Catnip (Nepeta Cataria)