Designs for Health PaleoReds®, 270g Powder

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From polyphenols in apples to natural vitamin C from the Amazonian acerola cherry, PaleoReds™ combines over a dozen fruits and vegetables and their phytonutrients from the red/purple group to help reduce the risk of common chronic diseases and premature aging. The grape skin extract is standardized to resveratrol and the pomegranate is standardized to ellagic acid. This great tasting fruit and berry formula is ideal for patients who need antioxidants, yet are sensitive to synthetic vitamin C made from corn.


Recommended Dose: Adults: Add 1 scoop (approx 9 grams) to water, stir briskly and consume immediately once daily, or as directed hyyour health care practitioner. Take with food. For prolonged use, consult a health care practitioner. Consult a health care practitioner for usebeyond 3 months.