Westpoint Organic Barley Pearl, 10 kg

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Pearl barley has a chewy texture and mild grain flavour. Barley is harvested with the hull intact. Pearling is a scouring process which removes the outer hull and the bran layer of the barley kernel. This process makes the kernels faster to cook but slightly less nutritious.


Organic barley groats.


Combine 1/4 cup rinsed barley and 1 cup water in a small saucepan. Boil for 5 minutes, then cover and let stand for 1 hour.

Barley can also be used to make a nutritious, hot grain coffee, spread it on a pan, then toast at 400ºF for 1 –1/2 hours or until it is richly brown. Stir every 20 minutes to roast evenly. When done, grind it in a blender to the consistency desired. Use as you would regular coffee to achieve desired strength or flavour.