Westpoint Organic Bean Soy Yellow, 11.3 kg

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Soy Beans are also known as Dou Shi (Chinese) or Soya Bean. The yellow variety is medium size and range from pale to dark yellow in colour. They are more or less spherical in shape but are marked by a hilum (a scar that demarcates where the bean was attached to the pod). Soybeans contain high levels of protein and have an excellent amino acid profile. They are also a good source of iron, calcium, phosphorous, magnesium, B vitamins, lecithin, linoleic acid, and vitamin E.


Rinse 1 cup beans. Pour into boiling water and cover. Soak for 6 hours. Drain and discard soaking water. Add 4 cups fresh water and simmer over low heat until tender, approximately 3 hours.