Buckwheat “grains” are actually the seeds of an herb. The name was derived from the Dutch word, bockwiet, meaning beech wheat because of buckwheat’s resemblance to beechnuts and its nutritional similarities to wheat. The organic buckwheat flour is a food grade product produced by mechanically harvesting, cleaning and milling whole grain buckwheat at low temperatures. This flour is of a medium-fine grind and is beige in colour with black speckles.
Organic whole Buckwheat Kernels.
Buckwheat flour is most commonly used to make pancakes, however it can add a hearty flavour to quick breads, noodles, dumplings, and other baked goods. It is recommended to combine with other flours when baking, as it is quite heavy on its own. It can also be used to thicken soups, sauces, or gravies.