Buckwheat “grains” are actually the seeds of an herb with physical resemblance to beechnuts and nutritional similarities to wheat. Kasha, or whole roasted buckwheat, is made from roasting organic white buckwheat. It is toasted and golden brown in colour.
Despite its name, buckwheat is not related to wheat and is gluten-free. It’s used in buckwheat tea or processed into groats, flour, and noodles. The grain is used in much the same way as rice, and is the main ingredient in many traditional European and Asian dishes.
Toasted hulled buckwheat groats.
Kasha can be boiled like rice. The secret for a light, fluffy texture is to seal the kernels with an egg before hot water is added. Mix 1 cup kasha with 1 beaten egg to coat and place in a skillet on medium heat. Let dry for 2-4 minutes, stirring occasionally. Pour 2 cups boiling water on the buckwheat and reduce heat to low. Cover and let steam for 10–15 minutes until water has been completely absorbed and kernels are tender.
Instant Pot: To make your Buckwheat with an Instant Pot, you will add the water, buckwheat, and salt. Close the lid and turn the valve to a sealing position. Press the “Manual” button and set the time to 12 minutes on High pressure. When your buckwheat is done cooking, follow up with a quick-release and give your buckwheat kasha a little fluff with a fork.