Westpoint Organic Green Lentil Whole, 11.34 kg

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The green lentil is pale brown in colour, shiny and flat. Grown in Canada, green lentils are know in France as lentilles blondes and are also popular in many countries worldwide. In France they are often served simply with butter. In the Middle East olive oil is substituted for butter, and when the lentils are served with rice, they can constitute a meal of complete protein. Be careful when cooking lentils as they can disintegrate if not watched.


In a large pot, bring 3 cups water (per 1 cup lentils) to a boil. Add lentils and simmer partly covered for about 45 minutes; check for tenderness after 18-20 minutes. To retain firmness, try adding a teaspoon of oil to the water before adding the lentils.