Westpoint Textured Pea Protein Mince, 10 kg

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This regenerative, plant-based product is cultivated from Canadian-grown yellow peas to create a high-quality product that packs a powerful combination of texture, protein, and clean flavour. It’s incredibly easy to work with and perfect for use in meat substitutes, ready meals, snacks, cereals, or as a sub for soy products!

The peas are grown and processed in Canada’s prairies where they provide some pretty unique benefits to local farmers. First off, peas can grow in a variety of soil conditions and consume less water than most other crops. Therefore they are easy to farm and require less irrigation. But perhaps even more outstanding is how peas aid in improving soil health. During their growing cycle, pea plants give back nitrogen to the soil. These are used as cover crops on Canadian farms to help with soil biodiversity.

Textured pea protein concentrate.